
Our Services

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form by injected humour or randomised words.

Architectural Services

Architectural Services such XX can make a break a project. These services help one to design and specify what’s to be built…

Construction Services

US Block Supply has the staff experience to most projects from light residential to medium commercial projects…

In-House Technical Services

Most conversational technical services are provided for free. However, for more complex questions and support…

AAC Block Products

US Block Supply has a rather wide variety of AAC block products to meet a wide range of applications…

Professional Engineering Services

AAC block and its use in buildings often need to be professionally engineered to ensure loads and critical …

Professional Design Services

USBS can help you design a beautiful AAC block home and its interior. USBS has teamed-up with several designers…