Simply mix-up a batch of approved or recommended AAC block adhesive or mortar, apply a thin-set bed and laydown and adjust or position the block. However, one should be cognizant of any slab pitch and start from the high side and lay-down to the low side. Use a string line to keep all straight and level. Pay attention to block separation distances which should be very tight in the 2-5 mm or <1/4” separation range. Once a block is laid down, one has about 10 minutes to provide block adjustments before the mortar begins to permanently set. Here’s a sample video.

While block structures can be a bit monotone or even boring; with some planning block homes can become quite striking with various façades, colors and use of different materials. While building with only block may be the least expensive route, adding a partial stone facades or similar is quite attractive. Here’s a sample picture. Remember, blocks can be cut to almost any shape so roof lines need not be just flat.

There are several methods to use AAC block for flooring. Option 1. Purchase AAC block flooring panels. Option 2. Install a modular AAC block flooring infrastructure and then float with concrete. …

Yes and no. While AAC block roof panels have a 19’ 7” span or length limitation, a steel supporting infrastructure system can be employed to support a longer roofing system. The same applies to large room and AAC block flooring panels. Here’s a sample video.

AAC block structures are everywhere but your area may be an exception. Here’s a growing list of AAC block structures.

This website has a wide variety of technical and introductory AAC block information. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please execute a site Search or send a quick where’s-what-I need email to Support@USBlockSupply.com and one of our team members will try to provide the needed information.

Find or talk to a mason that’s installed brick or CMU or concrete block structure and show them this video. Many masons love to install AAC block because it’s easy to install, light weight and fast. Often a team of two or three are needed to feed block to the installer. Formally, unions have an AAC block installer-certified members.

Not all AAC block is quality AAC block made to exacting standards. Several examples: the ingredients can be of sub-standard quality or the portions may not becarefully weighed or setup time may not be properly monitored. (Here’s a video showing its manufacture done right.) Sub-standard AAC block is often weaker and can be brittle like brick, concrete or CMU blocks. So, quality AAC block is quite strong and is not brittle. Tip: By design, quality AAC block has very small air pockets that increase block strength and many other positive qualities such as better insulative properties. Conversely, larger air pockets create, for example, a ‘softer’ block with less insulative properties.

Probably the best reason is the reduction of time to apply finish to the block’s surface. If the (block) wall is smooth then its finishing is quicker and literally easier to do. Here’s a related example, CMU block and one-cut AAC block have porous surfaces. When floating or painting these surfaces, one must fill-in all the holes. This takes time and material. The smoother the surface the easier and quick the application of a protectorant is.

AAC block surfaces are porous. Example 1: In winter months, water can infiltrate these pores, freeze and the ice expansion can cause block degradation. Example 2: Over time all these holes hold dirt and dust. Now it looks dirty or unsightly. It’s best to seal or to float AAC block surfaces.

Properly engineered and manufactured AAC block adhesives are stronger than the surrounding block material. Like metal welding, the weld is often stronger than the surrounding metal.

Yes but it’s not recommended. USBS recommends adding a metal roof surface or similar material to vastly extend the life of the underlying AAC roof panel material. AAC block sealing and/or waterproofing does breakdown over time albeit slowly. The strategy varies and the application of roofing material does have a noticeable cost for both material and its installation.

Yes especially for quality built block products. The materials should be close enough to interact well together. This is somewhat akin to replacement car parts where one has OEM and (quality) after-market parts.

The simple, easy answer is to email the plans to USBS and allow us to convert the plans to an AAC block residence for a nominal fee. Here’s the email address – Support@USBlockSupply.com. Our design team will contact you for a follow-up consultation.

The simple, easy answer is to search this USBS for house plans that are being added weekly or find a set of plans that approximates your desires and allow our design team to complete the design for a nominal fee. Here’s the email address – Support@USBlockSupply.com. Our design team will contact you for a follow-up consultation. Another option is to consult with a local architect or builder and tell them you’ve done your research and you want a house built using AAC block products. Have them visit our website and/or contact our Support Team at Support@USBlockSupply.com for assistance. We’ll work to educate them and get them up to speed so they can design or build your dream home.

Like all product or materials, AAC block has its good points and bad. Here’s a good list to review and understand. So, let’s take a downside example: Someone wants to build a supper strong hurricane resistant home. Ok, build one out of steel and it’ll be super strong. Well, building a strong steel home has serious drawbacks – like it’s expensive to buy steel and to have it fabricated to be useful. If one compromises just a little and builds with AAC block-engineered plans, one gets the many advantages of AAC block over steel and it’s nearly just as strong. Tip: Want or need more AAC block strength then build with factory-steel reinforced AAC block or purchase thicker blocks like 8”, 10” or 12” thick block or add more vertical rebar with type ‘O’ block into the structure. And, there are other strengthening AAC-block building techniques.

The simple answer is ‘yes’. There are the costs of the block, the cost of construction, maintenance cost, house usability costs and other costs like insurance. First, insurance is noticeably less since it’s a better product – isn’t flood damage prone, doesn’t burn, doesn’t get termites, etc. It’s faster to build with AAC block. Block pricing is similar to other building materials when properly compared but this quick analysis misses or ignores many of the advantages. For example, a brick house needs bricks to build, seep holes, sheathing, waterproofing, sheetrocking(with nails/screw/joint tape, etc.) with its multi-layer surface finishing. AAC block builds simplify almost all of this and does so very quickly. Consider that most of the non-US world uses AAC block construction by far for both residential and commercial construction. Want proof, check-out Proof.

No. Here’s a goodlist of helpful AAC block building tools. However, there is one expensive AAC block tool that’s a nice to have tool but it’s not a required tool – it’s a specially-designed, AAC block-cutting bandsaw. USBS has them for sale. If you’re going to build a lot of AAC block structures, these special-purpose band saws provide very fast and accurate cuts.

A very useful place is YouTube videos – search with ‘AAC block’. USBS links to many of the better ones. However, there’s a lot of bias and misinformation about AAC block products on YouTube so be skeptical and use common sense. Here’s a list of other AAC block information sources. Please don’t forget you can contact USBS with AAC block product support questions at Support@USBlockSupply.com.

While there are exceptions, the USBS target is 2-3 weeks to Austin, Texas and then onto its final destination. So, that’s 2-3 weeks plus truck travel time to your drop-off location. For virtually all of the Continental US, within 1 month from the order date, AAC block and/or AAC panels will be sitting on your lot.

AAC block (and panels) are stacked, palletized, plastic-wrappedin-mass and identified for truck transport. Since most orders are large with multiple pallets holding hundreds of blocks, truck flatbeds (layout) are optimized for pallet shipping. Our AAC block pricing sheets have many technical details like how many pallets can be transported on a single flatbedor how many cubic feet is consumed by a single, particular block size. Most purchasers need not get into these technical details unless you’re trying to determine, for example, if you want to determine how many blocks can easily transported in an 8’ pick-up truck bed.

Yes or some. Quantity and sizes vary. On rare occasion, there may be returns or cancelled orders. It’s best to send an inquire email to Sales@USBlockSupply.com and state what’s wanted.

Down side – like most building materials, building round structures requires more block material that is fabricated to be circular. Using a block-cutting band saw is a helpful tool.

Building Flexibility – AAC block is very design flexible; unlike shipping container homes, an AAC block home can be many sizes and not just 20’x8’ or 40’x8’; heights can be quite tall too; AAC block construction largely eliminates the foaming and welding work; most can be construction anyone who can construct to a string line.
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Disadvantage – unlike brick and a few other construction exterior surfaces and AAC block and panels do need to be painted, covered or protected with some material such as paint or a veneer to cover the block’s porous surface.

Adv – AAC block and panels are more ‘inclusive’. By this we mean this product eliminates or reduces fasteners, sheetrocking, various adhesives, weatherproof taping and many others. One might say an AAC block structure is more monolithic.

Thanks to Hebel